Optimize your return on investment

Maximize your investment with Aminocore

Strong plants are the foundation of a successful harvest. Amino acids are essential for plant growth and resilience, providing the energy needed to thrive in challenging conditions. With Aminocore, growers in horticulture, floriculture, and agriculture can achieve healthier, more robust plants that are less susceptible to disease.

Our high-quality free amino acids are quickly absorbed and integrated into the plant’s metabolic system, delivering the extra energy needed for vigorous growth and enhanced resistance to both biotic and abiotic stress. The result? Increased crop quality and quantity across grains, vegetables, fruits, and flowers.

Aminocore solutions also eliminate the need for costly and often harmful chemicals and pesticides. By using our products, you can achieve better yields at a lower cost, resulting in a stronger return on investment.

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Low dosage, higher margins

Say goodbye to high dosage rates and hello to higher margins. With just 150 mL per hectare, Aminocore delivers unparalleled results, boosting yields and enhancing plant health worldwide. This efficient dosage means significant savings, allowing you to maximize your profits without compromising on crop quality.

Aminocore is already making a significant impact in Brazil’s sugar cane market, where we, along with our local partner, support over 2.5 million hectares with outstanding results. Even in challenging climates, our products ensure high efficacy and a strong return on investment.

Contact us

Ready to take your crops to the next level? Contact us today by filling out our contact form and discover how Aminocore can revolutionize your farming practices. With Aminocore, you’re not just improving plant health—you’re investing in a more sustainable, profitable future.

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