Soil amendment products

Aminocore products for improving and conditioning soil

It’s a truism that before you grow a crop, you need to grow your soil. Soil amendment or soil conditioning involves adjusting a soil’s composition in a variety of ways:

  • Improving the pH balance with soil amendment
  • Adding nutrients through soil amendment
  • Improving the soil structure to hold oxygen and retain and drain moisture

  • Increasing microbes that will stimulate plant health and growth

Aminocore PRO SOIL Pellets is a balanced solid organic fertiliser and soil improver that outperforms liquid supplements when it comes to boosting the overall nutrient content of soil. The pellets work by supplying the plant with a higher dose of nutrients to the roots, something liquid products largely cannot do. Available in the common 7-4-3 composition, we can also make custom compositions of soil amendment as required.

This completely organic fertiliser can be applied in the furrow when seeding and close to the plant as needed. Unlike synthetic fertilisers, it won’t damage or burn the plant.