What is an amino acid?

What is amino acid in biology?

What is amino acid in biology? Amino acids in biology are essential building blocks for all life on Earth. Without amino acids, life on Earth would never have arisen and would no longer exist. There are about 500 amino acids, divided into several categories. An amino acid consists of hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon and sulfur. These are elements that, in a good cultivation situation, are always available for plant growth. In plants, amino acids mainly contribute to water balance and protein synthesis. Amino acids are also important for nutrient uptake, nitrogen transport and production of various hormones, cofactors and compounds.

How do plants acquire amino acids?

Unlike humans and animals, plants also make the around 20 essential amino acids themselves, based on the specific stage of growth, nutrient demand, stress, etc. However, making an amino acid consumes a lot of energy. Plants can make the required proteins effectively only if the raw materials are present in the environment or soil.

Therefore, plants prefer the left-handed variety, the so-called L-amino acids, which they can absorb through their leaves or root system. L-amino acids play an important role in the so-called citric acid cycle, also known as Krebs cycle. This is a series of chemical reactions by which the plant generates energy for maintenance, growth and production.

What do amino acids do?

Administering supplementary amino acids via the roots or leaves ensures that the plant has enough the necessary raw materials to make the important proteins. The resulting proteins and enzymes contribute to the plant’s defense system.

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The process

What are amino acids good for?

All Aminocore fertilization and biostimulation solutions are based on organic, enzymatically hydrolyzed amino acids.

In terms of plant nutrition, these natural amino acids contain more than twice as many L-amino acids as conventional alternatives from chemically hydrolysis. On top of that, they are safer too. Thanks to superior effectivity Aminocore outperforms conventional amino acids significantly, delivering a better return on investment.

Good ingredients and the best safety profile

Our raw materials originate from a traceable pharma source. Our partner complies with proven procedures to ensure human safety. With that we can guarantee the best safety profile in the market

Alternative: fewer good ingredients and more health risks of amino acids

In the contrary to Aminocore enzymatically hydrolyzed amino acids, chemically hydrolyzed amino acids originate mostly from collagen obtained from tanning animal hides and processing offal. The chemical hydrolyzation process uses heavy chemicals and requires high temperatures and pressures. Hence this process also destroys a lot of what makes an amino acid useful to plant growth.

In fact, plants are only able to take up 50% of chemically hydrolyzed amino acids, because the manufacturing process turns the other 50% into biologically ineffective D-amino acids. D-amino acids can be phytotoxic, so less desired in an end product. Chemical hydrolysis also forms carcinogenic compounds, something we have found when analyzing competing products.

More effective plant uptake with natural amino acids

Thanks to our use of enzymatically hydrolyzed amino acids, Aminocore organic products contain all the amino acids needed to promote better plant growth. Just as importantly, these are all in the biologically active and plant-friendly L-form that comprises the majority of the 20 standard amino acids.

Even better, the amino acids in Aminocore are tiny: down to just 0.5 microns in our BASIC PLUS, Micronutrients and HUMICAL products. The small size enables a plant to absorb the amino acids through their leaves as well as their roots. This contributes to the fact that Aminocore contains the broadest spectrum and highest level of easily absorbable free amino acids in the market.