Produtos Aminocore

Fertilizantes e bioestimulantes Aminocore

Os produtos Aminocore mais de 20 aminoácidos livres, de fácil absorção e biologicamente ativos. Este largo e uniforme perfil de aminoácidos favorece o vigor e sanidade dos cultivos, promovendo crescimentos saudável, aumentando a resistência a doenças assim como os rendimentos de safra. Nossos produtos têm índices baixos de sais e metais pesados, não contém substancias fitotóxicas. Nossa gama de produtos são:

Biostimulation Aminocore Complex

Aminocore COMPLEX

All the benefits of BASIC PLUS with fulvic acids for enhanced nutrient uptake and plant extracts that work as an added anti-oxidant. Comes as a liquid. Ideal for high-value field crops, fruits, vegetables and flowers.

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Biostimulation Aminocore Humical

Aminocore HUMICAL

All the benefits of BASIC PLUS with added microbial stimulation to improve plant root-building (thanks to the humic acids). Chelated calcium strengthens plant cell walls and resistance. Comes as a liquid. Ideal for growing vegetables and flowers in regions with salinity problems and really extreme conditions.

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Aminocore AMINOCAL

All the benefits of BASIC PLUS with added calcium that is delivered quickly to correct calcium deficiencies fast. Comes as a liquid. Ideal for all crops that suffer from a lack of calcium.

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